Health and Safety Start at Home. Boy what a crazy year it’s been. With all of the covid and shooting and riots. It’s enough to drive you crazy. People are worried about what’s going to happen next. And with good reason. But now is the time to stick together. Keep family safe and close by. Your health and safety start at home.
A Parents main objective.

You as a parent have a responsibility to protect your family. And to do that you have to rely on everyone in the household. Parents are responsible for teaching them right and wrong. Along with now even more schooling your children. And how to grow up to love one another as equals. No matter the type of religion or color of their skin. But I am not here to preach to you. Nor do I want this page to become that. I’m not here to tell you how to teach, love and respect one another. Only you can do that as parents. I am here to strictly give you some tools to help you.
A little about me.
You might ask yourself. Why should I listen or read what you have to say? Well maybe you shouldn’t. I am just trying to help other people.
I am the father of seven children. A husband and grandfather. I grew up in a different world from what we live in now. It used to be you played outside until dark. All the kids on the block knew and played together. No one bothered you. You weren’t causing trouble. Just plain fun.
Nowadays it’s different. Kids only play in their own yards. Most don’t know the rest of the kids on the block. And most of the time you don’t feel safe. School is just a place to hang out for some. Not to learn. Things are rough right now. But we can make things better at home. Safer at home. While helping our children succeed.
My wife and I put together this site. In hopes of helping people. Not only with finding low prices on good products. But also information on different topics. She has been through cancer twice and we share those journeys with you here in the Cancer within families section. Along with many other things. We built our site around families and health. We hope we can help people. In return just like our page or leave a comment.
Now on to some of the things we feel can help and are needed in todays children.
Not all but most children today. Spend hours playing games on the computer. Most of them are what I call shoot em up games. If you are ok with them playing on the computer. But not playing those types of games. May I suggest the arts and entertainment section. To find movies online or different games to play. Or maybe something I used to have my kids do.
For the beautiful Women:
For the women who are responsible for holding the family together. We have some excellent beauty products. In the Beauty and Cosmetics section. These are hard to find. And are some of the best there is out there. Most of these are strictly word of mouth because they choose to not advertise to the national public. Due to being smaller companies. But are excellent products. And very reasonably priced.

As for women’s apparel. We could of chosen from hundreds of places. But with our search we wanted to have certain standards. Of those are made in the U.S.A., Something for everyone. All different styles and sizes and not cheaply made. Along with someone who had accessories and stayed up to date. Therefore we only found one that fits all the criteria. You can find it in CLOTHING AND APPAREL. If you are looking for Walmart etc. No thanks. Nor Amazon. We want style and class that appeals to all women.
A Healthy You
Last but not least. You need to take care of your body. Both men and women. In our Health and Fitness category you can find a lot of articles pertaining to weight, diseases and causes, supplements, Fitness routines, and a lot more. We fill there needs to be a lot of choices here. When it comes to your health. It is not a one size fits all type of thing. Everyone is different. And only you know your body and what you are capable of doing. There are some truly fascinating articles in here that most people never think of. And just take for granted.
Final Summary
We have spent almost 5 years now putting this together. It is constantly evolving. We focused on families and there health and safety. Although we did sprinkle in a few other things to keep it interesting and because people requested we find those things. That’s what we do. We search for mainly health matters but also hard to find things out there. To make more people aware of them. We hope you enjoyed yourself here. If you did. Please like and share our article with friends to help spread the word. Thank you for your time. And from our family to yours. We wish you good health and happiness.